Instrumental Music Program

There is international consensus on the value of music education within our society, especially at school level. Considerable research has been carried out around the world verifying this. As early as the 1950s, a series of experiments carried out in Hungary researched the impact of learning music at primary school. This study, like the many that followed it, produced consistently positive data on the benefits of a musical education. 

Music Increases Memory

Music students show evidence of greater memory capacity. This is an important quality for students to develop to enable higher academic achievement. 

Music Improves Reasoning Capacity

In the studies carried out, students who learnt music gained enhanced comprehension skills. A far greater percentage of music students understood a story they were asked to read compared with non-music students. 

Music Improves Time Management and Organisation

 Music students are required to sufficiently organise themselves to attend lessons, band rehearsals and performances. This expectation of time and equipment management assists children to develop basic life skills. Music students develop and improve these skills over time with the benefits reflected in their academic achievement and success later in life. 

Music Fosters the Development of Team Skills

Music seeks to improve the student’s team skills, especially when the student is part of an instrumental music program where they are a member of the band and other ensemble groups. As in other team activities, all members have a role to play. All members are important and must learn to work as a team. A recent survey in the USA showed that an average of 20% of high school students are enrolled in an instrumental music program. Look at these figures! The survey revealed that 80% of the academic awards were consistently gained by this 20% group of music students.